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howto draw a 3d book easy

Easy 3D Book Drawings for Beginners

Learning to do a book drawing is actually easy, and perfect for beginners. Today you'll be learning how to draw a volume using both two point perspective and one betoken techniques to make it 3 dimensional.

We'll be using the one and 2 betoken perspective concepts, merely we're going to do it freehand.

Still, you could apply a ruler if you want to. But I similar keeping the drawings loose and taking a more relaxed approach to creating fine art. I find information technology to be much less stressful.

Check out some of these book photos if yous need some ideas for your own drawings.

Three things you'll learn,

  1. How to employ two point perspective to draw a book in 3D
  2. The deviation between one betoken and two point perspective
  3. How to apply foreshortening for dramatic effect

What'due south the Difference Between Ane Point Perspective and Two Indicate Perspective

One point and two point refers to the number of vanishing points used in your drawing.

One betoken perspective is used when you are looking direct on at the face of a shape or object.

Two Signal Perspective is used when you are looking at an object from an bending. This is a much more than interesting view betoken, and is only slightly more complicated.

For our volume drawings today, you'll be learning how to describe a book using both one and two point perspective.

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Art Supplies

  • Newspaper or cardstock
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Blending stump (optional)

Gratuitous I Point Perspective Worksheet

How to Describe a Book Using 2 Point Perspective

Nosotros are going to showtime past roughing out our bones shape for our book drawing. Since nosotros are going to draw a book in 3D, we will use a cube. We'll utilize the same process every bit in How to Draw a Cube, but we volition make it shorter.

Lightly sketch out your cube using a pencil. Depict the edge closest to you first. Keep in heed how thick y'all desire your book to be.

Next, describe the bottom edges of your book. Your lines should make a slight "5" shape.


And then draw the line for the acme edge of your book shape. These lines should be parallel with the bottom lines.

Describe the short vertical lines at each end of your book. Don't worry about your lines extending beyond where they need to be.

Just draw lightly and erase the extra afterwards. It'southward actually easier if you get a little by where yous demand to finish because you tin can follow through with your pencil strokes.

Now describe the back edges for your book drawing. These demand to be drawn parallel with the lines direct across from them.

Y'all now take the rough shape of your 3D volume fatigued out. At present let's add some particular and make it look like a book.

How to Draw a Book Spine

For the spine edge of your book draw a couple of curved lines.


Then depict another curved line at the other side to show the pages.

Yous could depict the pages straight down, just I think they look more interesting curved.

Add additional lines to testify the thickness of the book cover.

Add shading to your book to aid with the illusion of it being 3D.


Determine where your calorie-free source is first. For this example, it's coming from the upper right side of the book. This will make the lower left of the book the darkest areas.

Now let's look at how to draw a book using ane indicate perspective.

I Betoken Perspective Book Drawing

This drawing of a 3D volume is so easy to do. And if you draw it correctly, will look like information technology's popping off the folio. Information technology uses a single vanishing point to create the 3D effect.

Begin by drawing the top edge of your book along with the two sides.


When cartoon the sides you want to imagine them meeting at a point somewhere, waaay downward your newspaper. You don't have to depict them that fashion though. Only if yous did, it would look like this.

Side by side, draw the bottom edge of your volume.

At present draw the peak of your book. The brusque lines for the edges of the top role should exist parallel with each other and straight.

You can add together in some detail to your book drawing at present that you accept the basic shape drawn out.

Draw a couple of curved lines for the spine and the pages.

Add together in some shading and a cast shadow, and your one point perspective volume is finished.


I love how it looks like information technology's continuing on terminate and popping off the newspaper.

How to Describe a Book | Like shooting fish in a barrel 3D Drawing for Beginners

That'south it for today. I hope you enjoyed our lesson on how to draw a book in 3D. Doing 3D drawings can be actually rewarding.

And whether you lot're learning to draw in 3D or anything else, you'll only get meliorate past practicing.

Practiced luck on your artistic journeying and hope to run across you soon.

Don't forget to grab your free 3D Drawing Guide.

More than 3D Drawing Tutorials

  • Pencil Value Scale
  • How to Draw a Cube
  • Anamorphic Stairs Drawing Tutorial
  • Cartoon Letters in 3D


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