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Can Hurricanes That Become Tropical Storms Become Hurricanes Again

How Does a Hurricane Form?

Hurricanes are the virtually violent storms on Earth. They form well-nigh the equator over warm sea waters. Actually, the term hurricane is used only for the large storms that form over the Atlantic Ocean or eastern Pacific Body of water.

The generic, scientific term for these storms, wherever they occur, is tropical cyclone. Other names they are given, depending on where in the earth they are born, are typhoons, cyclones, severe tropical cyclones, or severe cyclonic storms. Whatever they are chosen, the same forces and conditions are at piece of work in forming these behemothic storms, any of which tin crusade damage or devastation when they hitting country where people alive.

hurricane map

Tropical cyclones are like engines that require warm, moist air equally fuel. So the first ingredient needed for a tropical cyclone is warm bounding main h2o. That is why tropical cyclones form merely in tropical regions where the body of water is at least 80 degrees F for at to the lowest degree the top fifty meters (almost 165 feet) below the surface.

The 2nd ingredient for a tropical cyclone is wind. In the case of hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean, the wind blowing westward beyond the Atlantic from Africa provides the necessary ingredient. Every bit the wind passes over the ocean's surface, water evaporates (turns into water vapor) and rises. Equally information technology rises, the water vapor cools, and condenses dorsum into large water droplets, forming big cumulonimbus clouds. These clouds are just the start.

The eye of Hurricane Dorian in September 2019.

NOAA'due south GOES-East weather satellite zoomed in on the middle of Hurricane Dorian in September 2019. Credit: NOAA

Meteorologists accept divided the development of a tropical cyclone into four stages: Tropical disturbance, tropical depression, tropical storm, and full-fledged tropical cyclone.

  1. Tropical disturbance

    When the h2o vapor from the warm body of water condenses to form clouds, it releases its heat to the air. The warmed air rises and is pulled into the column of clouds. Evaporation and condensation continue, building the cloud columns college and larger. A design develops, with the air current circulating around a eye (like water going downwardly a bleed). As the moving column of air encounters more than clouds, it becomes a cluster of thunderstorm clouds, chosen a tropical disturbance.

  2. Tropical depression

    As the thunderstorm grows college and larger, the air at the meridian of the deject cavalcade is cooling and becoming unstable. As the heat energy is released from the cooling water vapor, the air at the tiptop of the clouds becomes warmer, making the air pressure higher and causing winds to movement outward abroad from the high pressure area. This move and warming causes pressures at the surface to drop. Then air at the surface moves toward the lower force per unit area area, rises, and creates more thunderstorms. Winds in the tempest cloud column spin faster and faster, whipping effectually in a circular movement. When the winds reach betwixt 25 and 38 mph, the storm is called a tropical depression.

Hurricane Diagram Thumbnail

  1. Tropical storm

    When the wind speeds attain 39 mph, the tropical low becomes a tropical storm. This is also when the storm gets a name. The winds blow faster and begin twisting and turning around the center, or calm center, of the storm. Wind management is counterclockwise (west to east) in the northern hemisphere and clockwise (east to due west) in the southern hemisphere. This phenomenon is known as the Coriolis effect.

  2. Hurricane

    When the wind speeds reach 74 mph, the storm is officially a hurricane. The tempest is at least 50,000 anxiety loftier and around 125 miles beyond. The eye is effectually five to 30 miles wide. The trade winds (which accident from east to west) push the hurricane toward the west—toward the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, or the southeastern declension of the U.S. The winds and the low air pressure also cause a huge mound of bounding main h2o to pile up near the middle of the hurricane, which can crusade monster storm surges when all this water reaches land.

Hurricanes usually weaken when they hit land, because they are no longer being fed past the energy from the warm ocean waters. However, they often motility far inland, dumping many inches of rain and causing lots of air current damage before they die out completely.

Lastly, what are the 5 categories of hurricanes?

Hurricane categories:

Category Wind Speed (mph) Damage at Landfall
ane 74-95 Minimal
two 96-110 Moderate
3 111-129 Extensive
four 130-156 Extreme
5 157 or college Catastrophic

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