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My Pc Needs to Scan the Drive Then It Restarts and Wants to Scan Again

It'southward a common sight for many Windows users: you lot pop in your flash drive or the memory card from your photographic camera and Windows insists there is some problem that needs fixing. Does something really need fixing? Are you lot risking anything by ignoring the nagging to browse and fix the drive? Read on as we explicate what the message means, if you should heed information technology, and how to keep it from coming back.

Enquire How-To Geek,

When I take the SD card out of my camera and plug it into my computer, a little box pops upwards that says "There's a problem with this bulldoze. Scan the drive now and fix it." I didn't click on the pop upwardly box and so a few seconds the SD card automatically opened in Windows Explorer and my pictures were there like I expected. I copied the pictures, pull the SD card out, put it back in my camera, and then the side by side time I needed to copy files the verbal aforementioned thing happened. The error bulletin must be in that location for a reason, simply my files ever expect fine. What's the deal? Is my SD card going to be ruined or my files missing if I don't scan and fix the drive? What exactly does it do?


Popular-Up Ignoring

Although the warning has changed slightly in advent, Windows has been issuing these warnings for a long time. In Windows viii it will warn you, every bit y'all saw, "There'southward a problem with this drive. Scan the drive now and ready it." Back in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, it prompt yous with "Do you want to scan and set up Removable Disk [drive letter]?"

RELATED: Do You Really Need to Safely Remove USB Flash Drives?

The alarm itself is a flake cryptic, still, as information technology's a catch all for multiple issues. The nigh common reason Windows prompts you to perform the scan and fix is because the removable media in question was non properly unmounted and removed from Windows the last fourth dimension it was used. You know how most of us just unplug our SD cards and USB drives when we're done? That'southward not good for your data and it makes Windows grumpy. When y'all plug the drive dorsum in, Windows knows you lot didn't squirt information technology properly the concluding time (considering the file system flag that indicates proper unmounting isn't set) and it yells at you. The other reason it gives you the warning is considering there is corruption within or damage to the file system on the removable drive. This isn't a Windows-only thing, by the manner; it'southward bad exercise to skip unmounting removable media when using other operating systems, too.

So what should you do? Yous should definitely follow the prompt and scan your removable media. When you click on the prompt to practice so Windows launches the CHDSK awarding in the groundwork and scans the deejay. This is the same tool that Windows deploys when it crashes then, on next kick, prompts you to check the the Os deejay. For more than data about CHDSK, including how to apply it manually from the command prompt, cheque out our guide here.

Here'southward what it looks like when you run it on removable media:

The above dialog window is what Windows 7 users see immediately and what Windows eight users come across after they click on the Metro UI popup window (seen in the lead image of this commodity). Select "Scan and fix (recommended)".

Like we mentioned earlier, Windows is a flake ambiguous. Typically the error information technology finds is simply that the drive wasn't ejected properly and isn't anything catastrophic. Click "Repair drive".

Manifestly you lot don't desire to run the repair on your removable media if y'all're actively copying or writing files, or if you lot're running a portable awarding off the drive. You lot definitely don't need to use the "Repair on next restart" pick, though. Just make sure you're not actively using the removable disk and click "Repair at present".

Although this seems rather contradictory the the box we just saw, what the dialog box here really ways is that beyond non safely ejecting the removable media, at that place were no serious errors. If you're notified that there were errors, click on the "Show Details" box to check the result log in order to encounter exactly what errors at that place were.

Now, if you practise this and then immediately turn right back around an unplug your flash drive or SD card without safely ejecting information technology, the same "There'south a problem with this drive" prompt will appear the next time y'all plug the device into your computer. To avoid that annoyance (and to develop a skilful habit that will protect your data and hardware) correct-click on the USB device icon in the Windows organisation tray and select the removable device you desire to eject like and then:

Windows will be happy with you. Your information volition be happy because all the read/write activity volition end gracefully. Yous'll exist happy considering Windows will stop nagging you. It's a winning situation all effectually.

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